We are excited to announce a collaboration with Megan Bell, host of the acclaimed InsHER Podcast. Together, they will produce four special episodes in 2025, each focusing on pivotal themes of leadership and equality, remaining gender impactful for women of all ages in the insurance industry.
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Liselle Appleby
January 31, 2025
Authenticity is frequently referenced as a key factor for success at work. However, the day-to-day professional experience differs person to person particularly for those from minority groups who often feel unsafe at work and to be their 'full-selves'. Dione Bowers, insurance professional, and co-founder of CABIP joining us in conversation with Ingrid Wilson, CHRO and Board Director of CABIP this #InternationalWomensDay to explore the concepts of authenticity and safety within the workplace and how they relate to inclusion.
Genevieve Stow
March 8, 2024
'I think our industry is a lot about relationships. You collect them as you go and you never know where they will lead you.' Explore how peer networking ties to the theme of #inspireinclusion in our #InternationalWomensDay article featuring Swiss Re’s Jillian Badenes and Jessica Bacelar.
Mentors, everyone has heard of the concept but what is the reality and how does mentorship connect to this year's International Women's Day theme of #inspireinclusion? Fortunately, Olivia Cooper and Jen Denby were on hand to talk us through their three year mentoring relationship and also give some insights on how mentorship connects to culture. Read more about their dynamic and how it has impacted them both below.
True allyship is often seen as not just supporting but promoting your colleagues. Sponsorship is a phenomenal tool for showcasing just that and we were thrilled to catch up with Krishna Patel and Bill Gatewood, participants of the ISC Sponsorship Scheme from IWD22, to hear how their relationship championed inclusion.
April 27, 2023
April 26, 2023
In follow up to a conversation had at an ISC Bespoke Workshop, Genevieve Stow, Director of Outreach and Sponsorship at ISC Group, and Teniola Tijani, Underwriter at IQUW and Founder of Ladies That Lunch, come back together to explore allyship and what it looks like.
April 5, 2023
In 2019, Zurich launched a new package of family friendly policies, including equalising its approach to maternity, paternity and adoption leave. In this article we hear from Derek and how this policy benefitted him and his growing family.
March 30, 2023